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Drooling over Jimmy Choo

July 06, 2003 - 10:38 PM

    Oh my God. I want these shoes so much. Why am I not rich? It's not fair. Jimmy Choo should cater to the middle class a bit more.

    "Hello lover." --Carrie Bradshaw to a pair of shoes

    Hee. That so describes how I feel about these shoes. They're so gorgeous. I can't stop looking at them. It's even worse than lip gloss because at least a Versace lip gloss is affordable! A Jimmy Choo shoe is not. There's a vast divide between $20 and $485.

    Anyway, I won't give away any Sex and the City spoilers, but it was great. I'm so excited by this season so far. I laughed throughout the entire episode, and next week looks really funny too.

    Oh well. Back in reality, I have a new pair of $12 Paul Frank flip flops. They're very comfortable, and they're cute. They're not Jimmy Choos, but they'll do. (Side note: Saying Choo is fun. Choo. Choo.) I still owe Discover $350, but I'm not as upset about it as I was a few days ago. I have about $100 to put in the bank. It's going to be okay, I think. I'm still determined to never buy another lottery ticket again. I have a job interview Wednesday, so I might be switching to a career that doesn't involve the selling of lottery tickets. That might help the recovery process.

    Even so, I feel guilty about this job interview. Working at my neighbor's law firm is more professional and respectable than the cigar shop in the mall, but I feel I owe my boss a little more than that. He's been so accomodating, and he's paid me entirely in cash. And there's no dress code. And I'm surrounded by candy. It's not so bad really. Sure, it's bad for my diet, and yes, I have lost some money to lottery scratch cards. Still...

    Damn, I love those shoes.

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