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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com


December 28, 2001 - 1:20 AM

    I hung out with Josie last night/this morning. She was very short: about five feet tall. At 5'9"ish, I felt quite tall. We drove to Steak N Shake and then to Barnes & Noble. She had never had Starbucks before. That amused me. Apparently her town in Michigan was itty bitty, so my "small" town is huge in comparison. Afterwards, we went back to her house so that I could read her poetry. (I inwardly cringed when she asked "Do you want to come over and read my poems?") Anyway, she interests me. One moment she'll strike me as oddly brilliant, only to fall back down to reality the next.

    "I don't know what people think of me. They like me. I think that they like to try to figure me out," she said, handing me another poem. Some poems were very cheesy love peoms. Others were passionately sad; I preferred these. "I left suicide in a letter," one of them began. She showed me the tattoo she designed for herself, even though she admitted that it may be too intricate to work. It spelled out the word "SEVEN" in symbols because seven is always lucky. She also says that she wans to have multiple weddings to the same man. In one of the ceremonies, they will take off their rings and hang them by strings around their necks- literally "tying the knot." They will then get tattoos on their fingers where the rings were. She wants them both to get figure eights as a symbol that they will spend eternity together.

    She isn't sure whether or not she should consider herself a poet. I told her that I sometimes call myself a writer, so she could definitely be a poet. She seemed convinced when I mentioned that there are a lot of non-writers in this world, so those of us who do write should be allowed the title. She lets people read her poems, but doesn't want to publish them. I'm really the opposite. I never let anybody read my work, but I'd publish it in a heartbeat.

    It's funny. I like her a lot, I think. I told her I'd go see Vanilla Sky with her. She loves that movie and she wants to see it again. She even drew a picture of the saddest woman to ever hold a martini.

    ...and on the Alex front, I've got nothing and it's really my fault. I never went on-line and it's not like he has my phone number. Maybe later today I will attempt to talk to him.

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