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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Just shoot me.

November 12, 2001 - 9:23 AM

    It's Monday. I really do hate Mondays. I had to quickly cram for the Psychology quiz that I had to take for my 9 AM class. I was late to class, but the quiz didn't take very long, which is why I'm here at 9:23.

    Anyway, I had the most pathetic weekend. I had nowhere to go after rehearsal on Friday night, so I rented Bridget Jones's Diary. I cried about three times even though I've seen it twice before and been tear-free on both occassions. On Saturday I didn't have rehearsal, but I also had nowhere to go. I ended up sleeping, cleaning, having a small mental breakdown, and watching Shrek. It was just pathetically sad.

    Yesterday was Church, breakfast with my family, visiting my Grandma, rehearsal, and watching TV. Visiting my Grandma is sad because she's so miserable. She's in her late eighties and she has an array of problems. Her hearing is pretty much gone and hearing aids have never helped her. She kind of smiles and laughs when people talk because she doesn't like to admit that she can't hear them. She also just recently decided to use a walker. For years she has insisted that walkers are for "old people" and refused to use one. All of this has been depressing her and I guess she's started to hallucinate and get paranoid. The whole situation makes me want to cry. Maybe living a long life isn't all that wonderful, especially if your husband died nearly twenty years ago. She also lost her son, my dad's brother, to cancer a few years ago. All in all, she's been pretty miserable.

    At any rate, my weekend was sad. I realize that I'm getting pretty lonely. I don't know how to fix it. I honestly have to be the most pathetic 18 year old girl in the world. I should make people feel better by reminding them that no matter how pathetic they are, they aren't as pathetic as me. I could be a loser guru. People are always more comfortable when they aren't the worst. Like, if you get a 79 on a test, you might feel kinda bad. If you find out that your best friend got a 56, you start to feel like a genius. I am that friend with the 56 in the game of life.

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