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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

I'll never be Lois Lane.

November 08, 2001 - 11:27 PM

    Yesterday I was looking at Quoted and realized that I've never been quoted. It made me sad that no one finds anything that I say to be funny. Then I remembered that I've never quoted anyone either. What goes around comes around. And if it does't go around, then you can't expect it to come around. So I'm going to quote somebody when I get around to it. Tis better to give than to receive...

    I'm working on a story for journalism due tomorrow. I did a follow up interview with this woman yesterday and it was just nuts. She actually WROTE the article for me as I sat there and tried to decide what to do. She literally got out scissors and tape and began cutting and taping little paragraphs together. She kept saying "This'll be good, right?" and I would nod and smile. Nod and smile. She really had no clue about journalism at all. Like, how interviewing involves asking questions and receiving answers in one's own words. Oh well.

    I also have a new assignment. My journalism teacher asked me if I was political and I said "Sort of." He took this to mean "Yes" so now I have a story due Monday about the new Gay & Lesbian Society that just had its first meeting. The annoying thing is that I have like, three days to interview a bunch of people. Of course I haven't had time to even begin. Sooo... once again I'm going to be racing around to get this finished.

    The play is going so-so. It wasn't great tonight. Yesterday was nice because we had an Irish transfer student come in and judge our accents. She called mine "grand." Tonight sucked a bit, simply because I can't cry on stage. Tears just won't come. This really makes me angry because I cry all the time over nothing! Hell, I cried last week while watching a re-run of 7th Heaven! Do you know how sad that is? I'm pathetic! I'll cry a the drop of a hat, but not when I *want* to cry. It's just frustrating.

    And it turns out that one of the girls in the cast is pregnant by the assistant director. They're getting married and perhaps moving to Kansas. That sounds so desperately horrible to me, but they're happy. I guess that's all that matters. The trouble is that they're both Theater majors, so they'll never have jobs...

    Last night I went to dinner with a couple of girls from the cast. They were pressing me to tell them whether or not I was really as nice as I seemed. I didn't want to disappoint them, so I just smiled. I didn't feel like saying "Well, actually I can be a really big bitch." I rather like the role of innocent, sweet little girl. It seems safer somehow.

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