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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

My entire life revolves around school.

November 16, 2001 - 9:57 AM

    I haven't written in a few days because I've been buried in a sea of obligations and assignments. The play opens November 30th, which is exactly two weeks from today. That is such an unbelievably frightening thought. Actually we're not doing too bad. We went off script for the first time this week and even though I had to yell "Line!" a few times, it's still looking promising.

    I was freaking out yesterday because I thought my feature story on "Is Reading Dead?" was due today. I was frantically forcing people to take surveys. I don't know how many people is an adequate amount to survey, but so far I only have seventeen. It doesn't matter much because it turns out that the story isn't even due today. I still have to do my Gay & Lesbian Society article as well. I'm so bad at this journalism thing... Deadlines and I have major issues to work out.

    Anyway, life hasn't been all that interesting this week. I've been reading Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance for my writing class. I hate the book, but I feel like I shouldn't hate it. It would be somewhat hypocritical because my reasoning for hating it is that the author thinks waaay too much about everything. I have often been accused of this. Reading this book makes me realize how I must have sounded to people like Leigh and Tess all these years. Then again, I'm not quite as deep as Robert Pirsig. I've never asked myself "What is Quality?" and then gone over the classic understanding and romantic understanding and decided that Quality is between objective and subjective and exists in the preintellect... You see what I mean? Every single page of his very long novel is some meaningful idea. He goes on and on and on. I feel like some sort of anti-intellectual for hating it, but the truth is that I do hate it.

    Looking over this entry makes me realize how intensely focused I am on school. That is so awful. My social existence is dead. My life revolves around going to school and play rehearsals. Need boyfriend... I haven't seen Alex much this week. I wonder what would happen if I were to really casually ask him to a movie or something. I'm afraid to do so because there's always the possibility that he secretly thinks I'm a huge loser and he doesn't want to be seen with me in public. You never know.

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