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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

i like you. i like you not.

November 11, 2002 - 4:00 PM

    God, I totally forgot about a report I have to turn in tomorrow. Current sentence count: three. Outlook: not good. Oh well. I'll pull through.

    On Saturday night, I went to see 8 Mile with Ophelia and Buffy. We went to Steak 'n Shake afterwards, and Ophelia was grating on my nerves. "Sometimes I feel like we've outgrown this place," she said as soon as we sat down. Jesus, we only go there because it's thirty seconds away from the movie theater and it's open twenty-four hours a day. It's not like we all think it's a gourmet restaurant. Not ten minutes later she was raving about Denny's. It might be because her boyfriend Accomplice--perhaps I should consider giving him a new name--works as a cook there. Even so, you can't whine about Steak 'n Shake one minute and rave about Denny's the next. It's nonsensical.

    Oh, and apparently today is Ophelia and Accomplice's six month anniversary. (I typed "sex" instead of "six" at first. Freudian typo?) I wonder how they figured out an anniversary. Did they go by the time she cheated on her boyfriend with him? The day she broke up with her boyfriend to be with him? So many wonderful days to choose from! I, of course, didn't say one word. Buffy congratulated her. I stared at my shake intently as if it was the Mona Lisa.

    I suppose I shouldn't be so hard on Ophelia. She sent me a Hallmark card a couple days ago. There was a picture of a cat with its head in a paper bag. The front said, "Just in case you're curious..." and inside it said, "I think you're special." It reminded me of a fourth grade valentine. It also made me suspicious that maybe Ophelia actually likes me and that my irritation with her is one-sided. In fact, that's probably the case. When I asked them if they see me as "calm and casual," she immediately responded in the affirmative. In my mind, our friendship status is ambiguous at best. I wonder what she would say about it.

    Meanwhile, Buffy and I seem to be in a compliment competition. She actually told me that she thinks of me as a genius and that I "never say stupid things."

    "That's so sweet of you to say," I said. "Have I told you today how adorable your hair is?"

    "Have I told you how much I like it when you say that?" she replied.

    She loves compliments on her appearance.

    I should work on my report now.

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