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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

the locked world would suddenly have a key

October 9th, 2000 - 11:30 PM

    Today was my dad's birthday. It is also John Lennon's birthday, so happy birthday John... wherever you are. John was my favorite Beatle, even though I was never old enough to appreciate him when he was alive. That's kind of sad. Imagine is still one of my favorite songs of all time. :)

    I wrote a poem today for a contest at school. The theme of the contest was "Before Dawn." I'm in the club that picks the theme. The theme that I suggested was "Across The Universe" like the Beatles song. It was also covered by Fiona Apple, and that's a very lovely version as well. Anyway, "Across The Universe" came in second and just missed being this year's contest theme. Maybe I wouldn't have waited until the night before the deadline to do it if had been my pick. As usual, I wrote it at the last moment. That's always the way with me. Here's what I wrote.

    Unfortunate Dreamers

    The earth is tranquil in its sleep,

    as darkness quietly begins its retreat.

    Nocturnal creatures tuck themselves away

    and prepare for the coming light of day.

    Dreams are still filling the heads

    of people sleeping soundly in their beds.

    They remain unaware of the wonders going on,

    rarely venturing to wake before the arrival of dawn.

    Dreamers will never know of the wonders they miss,

    from the rising sun to the rain�s morning mist.

    Each morning the earth puts on a beautiful show:

    one that most audiences will never know.

    Before dawn, there�s a quiet and calm that exists

    that the unconscious mind unknowingly resists.

    If only they would realize how much there is to see,

    the locked world would suddenly have a key.

    Doors would open and lights would turn on

    if people learned the wonder of waking before dawn.

    My best peoms are usually nature peoms. I don't know if that will be one of my best poems though. I'm tired and I don't know how poorly written it is yet. I never know. I just write them and wait to see if other people like them or hate them. I'm doubtful about this one just because I'm sharing it with you and you'll probably think I'm kind of silly.

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