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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Religion. I hate this topic.

November 07, 2001 - 10:00 AM

    This is one of those days when I'd like to quit college and go live in a van down by the river for the rest of my natural born life. I have two different newspaper stories due on Friday. One of them was sprung on me and I haven't started. I wanted to a feature loosely titled "Reading: Is It Dead?" but ended up with a story about a writing track. Or writing tract? Is tract a word? All I have is the name of a woman I'm supposed to contact about it. I feel stupid though because I don't know what I'm supposed to ask her. "Hi. Um. I was, uh, told to ask you about a writing track? Do you know what I'm talking about?"

    Then the other article requires me to do a follow up interview which will require me to lose valuable time with Alex, who may or may not be my soul mate. Gah. Alex. I keep wondering about him and the more I wonder, the more I think that we're never going to get together. Or will we?

    Also, for the past three days I've had religion mentioned more times than I care to remember. I went through a very long phase of questioning God and religion and all that is spiritual. Did I ever find answers? No. No, I did not. I ended up burying the entire question and focusing my attentions elsewhere. Unfortunately, people keep bringing it up and it's spinning around in my brain once again. I can't call myself an atheist, but I'm not full of faith. I hate going to Mass on Sunday, even though my mother drags me. I especially hate a certain mass at a certain Church where there a certain group of Jesus Freaks that makes me want to get up on the alter and fake demonic possession. Now THAT would be entertaining. It also might, you know, damn my soul or something. Or make my mother kick me out of the house. Either one really.

    My Culture & Civilization professor begain talking about religion yesterday when we reached a section on Buddhism and Hinduism. She talked about how our society is in direct opposition to faith. Society wants us to believe that there is no such thing as right or wrong. That struck me. I can hear myself saying "Well, if it's right for *you*, then I guess it's okay." It seems very PC now that I think about it. If premarital sex is right for you, then it's okay. But is it okay? I don't really think so, but that could be the Catholic guilt talking. Or is the entire concept of Catholic guilt just made up by people who want to go against Catholicism and not feel bad about it? Should they feel bad about it? This is why I'm so upset that people mentioned religion. I have so many questions. It makes me feel like my head with spontaneously combust or something.

    Political correctness is such a funny thing. The part I like about it is that no one's feelings get hurt. Every race is equal. Every religion is equal. Both genders are equal. No one can ever do anything wrong. The problem with it, I'm finding, is that it represses opinions and ideas. It also makes moral and ethical people seem wrong and outdated. Then again, there are some very un-PC, stupid people who ruin it for everyone. Reverend Jerry Falwell comes to mind. He's some sort of Christian person who spouts out all this garbage that has nothing to do with what Christianity is about. The whole point of being Christian is to *not* be bigoted and judgemental. Christ Himself always wanted to hang out with the people that everyone looked down on. He was a nice guy. Somehow people have forgotten that.

    I need to shut up.

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