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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

London Holiday Part I

April 21st, 2001 - 10:25 PM

    I have a habit of looking like an undercover celebrity when I go out on a Saturday afternoon. You know- the minimal make-up, the dark sunglasses, the suspiciously casual clothes. Then I have the strange inner attitude: the celebrity status that exists only in my head. I walk with importance.

    By the way, I'm back from England.

    I kept a pretty thorough account of my adventures and misadventures. I returned home yesterday and it was pretty strange. I slept in today before going out to see Bridget Jones's Diary, drinking an orange freeze at Steak N Shake, and going bowling. It was Lisa, Ophelia, Tess, Leigh, and myself. I was oddly happy to see them because it's been a week since I'd seen any of them except Lisa. (Quick thing: Bridget Jones is an awesome awesome awesome movie. It's the best movie of our century. Or at least in the top thirty. Go see it immediately.) The evening was fun and I was so happy that I completely dropped any anger that I had towards Lisa. I shall now tell you what happened in England in several installments. Enjoy.

    4-13-01 5:26 British time

    This is surprisingly not that bad. Maybe my views will change as the trip goes on.

    4-14-01 7:25 British time

    Yesterday we saw a lot of buildings. I took a bunch of pictures of them even though I don't like pictures of buildingd. So far today I've been watching British children's programs. They have Blue's Clues with a guy named Kevin. I miss Steve. Steve is the definitive host of Blue's Clues.

    4-14-01 11:34 British time

    Today was much better than yesterday. I actually have very little memory of what transpired yesterday. Hopefully all those pictures of buildings will jog my memory. Anyway, today began with buying food at a grocery store. I actually paid in exact change- a triumph indeed. Crazy currency. Anyway, we proceeded on to Westminster Abbey. I lit a candle for my grandma even though it's a protestant church. Oh well. They're all praying to the same God. In the Abbey there are many dead people. For extra credit I was supposed to look for dead authors. I saw Browining, D.H. Lawrence, Lord Byron, Tennison and... uhh... well, I remembered four. Not too shabby. We wandered aimlessly until we found our group.

    Then we moved on to a huge shrine to Churchille. It was conference rooms underground. We had lunch there. I had chicken salad, chips, and Coke. The Coke here is in smaller, taller bottles. It's only 500 ml. Speaking of beverages, they have Light 7UP. Ingenius. Changing the word diet to light is brilliant marketing. Kudos Mr./Ms. Marketing Director of the UK branch of Coca Cola. Or 7UP actually. Hmm. Weird mistake. I'm usually so good at soft drinks. I wonder if all people know what pop company owns which smaller sectors of peop/beverages. Coca Cola owns Sprite and Minute Maid. Pepsi owns Gatorade and Mountain Dew. It's all a huge soft drink conspiracy.

    Maybe I should move on. Okay. British Art Museum. I have no appreciation for art. The extent of it is "I couldn't paint that." That's about all. So Lisa and I went out to Trafalgar Square with fountains and statues and a socialist rally. That's right. My very first socialist rally. A milestone in every girl's life. These fine socialist worker folk seemed to think America wanted to take over the world. Crazy socialists. This is the first I've heard of America's invasion. Oh well. I am looking forward to getting my pictures from the rally developed. :) Oh! And I stole a sign too. My very own socialist propaganda!

    After this, we headed home. Maybe. It's all a bit cloudy. The sheery ecstasy of a socialist rally had made me fuzzy by that point. Anyway, I was able to e-mail my family from the hotel. I imagine that they're happy to hear a good report from me. I was so sure that I would have a bad time. There are still a few bad moments but none that I really deeply feel. I still feel an odd sense that I'm beyond high school on some unseen level. I find it difficult to make conversation at times or even respond to absurd things like "I have to pee" out of the blue on the subway. What am I supposed to say to that? There is no answer! It's a stupid statement!

    This entry is long and frankly, typing it up is not fn. I will continue in the next entry. I know you're glued to your seats at this riveting story. ::coughcough:: I think it gets better in time...

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