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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Major Change

June 23, 2003 - 5:31 PM

    I'm sitting here, watching a really old episode of Will & Grace, and I'm thinking about change. People do it all the time, but it's strange when someone turns their life around in some way. It leaves me wondering about myself and what kind of change I might need to undergo. What would leave me saying, "My whole life is 100% better! I'm happy, I'm whole, and I love the world!" For one thing, I'm sure that I would annoy at least one person with a statement like that. It's true that misery loves company, but people who are just okay need company too. If I'm okay, and you're fantastic, I'm left feeling lesser somehow. On the other hand, I'm always thrilled for people who make significant life changes, especially if they found it through psychiatric help. As a future psychologist, I like to know that people can be helped.

    This birthday/personality test thing is actually pretty accurate:

    Of cool beauty
    cares for its looks and condition
    good taste
    tends to egoism
    makes life as comfortable as possible
    leads reasonable
    disciplined life
    looks for kindness
    an emotional partner and acknowledgment
    dreams of unusual lovers
    is seldom happy with her feelings
    mistrusts most people
    is never sure of its decisions
    very conscientious.

    I'm almost never happy with my feelings of lack thereof, I'm never sure of my decisions, and I've learned to look for kindness above all other traits. Plus I do make life as comfortable as possible. And all that other stuff? Yeah, that too.

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