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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Back to work

June 19, 2003 - 10:58 PM

    I occasionally look back on old entries, such as this one from December 2000, and I can see that I have changed. One would hope anyway. I gave up on the whole idea of religious conversion. Even though I argue against Catholicism in the aforementioned journal entry, I have since accepted my religion. I believe that reading The Catholic Imagination by Andrew Greeley is what did it for me. So, to all those Catholic kids out there who hate the religion, maybe you can read this and feel better. Or maybe it's just me.

    Oh! I almost forgot. I am now gainfully employed again. As usual, it's not exactly perfect. It's a mini conveniance store in the mall, but the specialty is cigars. I don't even smoke cigarettes. I must now learn all about cigars, so that I don't seem clueless in front of customers. Tonight was my first day. The guy who owns the place actually left me alone for hours, even though I don't know where anything is or how much anything costs. I was totally winging it. "How much is that gum? Let's say fifty cents." There's no scanner. Just once in my life I'd like to work for a huge corporation.

    Speaking of that, I still went to a job interview earlier in the day. American Eagle wants back-to-school help, and I want that 40% discount. I think that I could manage both jobs. I really do. American Eagle might not hire me though. It was a group interview of fifteen of us, and she has to screen another group next week. Lucky for me, the girl doing the hiring just graduated from my university. She was editor of the newspaper, and she remembers me. That could help.

    I'm currently watching Sarah Jessica Parker on David Letterman. Sex and the City is by far my favorite thing to watch on a regular basis. The Daily Show just doesn't give me the same good feeling that it used to. Of course, Jon Stewart is still my boyfriend.

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