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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Silent Night and Silent Bob

December 27th, 2000 - 2:50 AM

    I watched Clerks tonight. I want to make a movie. I'm serious. I'm excited because I felt something being reborn inside of me. The love of film. Acting. Creating. I feel really awake and alive. Lisa and I watched it in my basement. Afterwards we talked until one. I think that her and I would make an awesome creative team. The funny thing is that next August she will probably be going to New York to pursue a radio career. She'll actually be doing something creative. I shall be here in Illinois. It's not quite the same.

    Anyway, I should mention the holiday. It went pretty smoothly. My major gift was a CD player for the car, which is a much-needed accessory. I must mention that my Grandma on my dad's side is the cutest person in the world. She's about 87 years old and simply adorable. I love her so much and it's odd. It's odd because every time I see her I wonder if it will be the last time. This is good and bad. It's good because I always really look at her and hug her and say "I love you Grandma" and make sure that my goodbye was good. It's bad because it's such a sad thought. This last time when I saw her she was wearing a turquoise shirt and her hair was curled and she looked very fragile.

    At my other Grandma's house, I noticed something in my dad. I think he misses having a little kid. He was playing with my one year old cousin and I could see that he missed it. I think that maybe it's the unquestioning love that a small child has for his or her parent. I can almost see why people have kids.

    Back to my creative spree, I want to write a script. I feel isnpired. I need sleep though. It's 3:00. I must get some sleep! Good night.

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