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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

What's in a name?

April 29, 2002 - 11:41 PM

    Well, apparently my parents hate me. I checked out this name site and discovered that there is nothing good about my name.

    Your name of Brigid creates an intense desire to be of service to others, but its practicality and attention to detail cause you to lack the spontaneity necessary to make life interesting for yourself, as well as others. You desire your life to be very orderly and systematized and you keep your surroundings neat and tidy, but you are inclined to be fussy over little things. You are a very patient person and you will work hard one step at a time to accomplish your goals. You tend to be thorough in building a solid foundation of fact and logic, but you are not especially imaginative or investigative. Not interested in large undertakings, you are content to live from day to day and to save for your future. You budget carefully and do not believe in frivolous spending. You appreciate a settled home environment that permits you to show your love for friends and family through what you do for them rather than having to express your feelings in words. Try not to be critical of those who do not live up to your regard for system and detail. This name creates much frustration, nervous tension, and personal unhappiness because you are not able to get the opportunity to realize your high ideals. Any weakness in your health would cause you to suffer with boils, constipation, or rheumatism.

    Thanks Mom and Dad.

    Anyway, today was pretty dull. I only saw Alex in passing because I desperately needed to go to the library before my writing class. I would love to see the inner-workings of his brain for a day. I have no idea about his thought processes. I am suspicious that he has an "out of sight, out of mind" attitude towards me. I doubt that I cross his mind sometimes during the day or if he has mentioned me to any friends. I wonder if he knows that I do those things. I bet he doesn't. That would require him thinking about me. He pretty much thinks about himself and occasionally the girl who broke his heart.

    As for my own thought processes, I am so weird. I can't even say for certain whether I'm an optimist or a pessimist. I'd lean towards pessimist, but I'm always optimistic when it counts. When my eleven year old sister stays out with neighborhood friends and my mom starts panicking that she's been kidnapped, I am always the voice of reason. No one would want her. She's fine. It's silly to worry. I'm never one to assume the worst in crisis-like situations. I'm always sure that people are fine. I'm very pessimistic in other areas though, such as my take on my relationship with Alex. My social life and romantic life are always subject to extreme pessimism. Oh well. At least I don't go around worrying that everyone's about to die or anything.

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