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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

No good deed goes unpunished.

March 27, 2002 - 12:24 PM

    Sometimes it seems that, as soon as something good happens, something bad has to come along and equalize the situation. Such was the case yesterday. Everything was going decently enough. I got a 97% on my Culture & Civilization test. I found out that I won a poetry contest at school. It was all lovely. Of course, it couldn't stay lovely. Because then it wouldn't be my life.

    In the early afternoon, Claire called. She needed a ride home at 5:30 after she sold her blood for money. The place is in a really bad neighborhood about twenty-thirty minutes from my house. I was hesitant, but she said she would have to walk home in the cold if I didn't. So I did, not wanting to be the cause of Claire's long, cold walk through the bad side of town.

    The trouble was that Claire was nowhere to be seen at 5:30. I sat there very patiently. I'm an excellent waiter. I watched their TV, which was playing a terrible sci-fi film. I was thinking to myself, "This has to be the worst quality picture I've ever seen." Then I realized that the bad quality was because it was a bootleg of Resident Evil. (That little girl from the commercial saying, "You're all going to die down here" was my confirmation.) I waited and waited. I asked the people at the desk of Claire was back there, and they said she was. I waited some more.

    My cell phone began ringing: my mother. She had worked herself into a panic, convinced that I was going to be murdered or raped, when in actuality all I was doing was watching Resident Evil and being bored. My dad got on the phone and said I should just leave Claire there. I wouldn't do this, of course. I'm wasn't going to just desert her. They were temporarily content, but they soon called back. "I hate Claire. I just hate her," my mother was sobbing, still convinced I was in mortal danger. I told them I'd call before I left. It was dark outside by this time, which caused a slightened level of paranoia in me. Finally Claire arrived, unaware of the dramatics with my parents. I explained briefly to her that they were really mad. When I called my mom, she said my dad had already left to come find us. We left quickly. I didn't want a confrontation with my dad. Somehow he caught up with me though and followed us to Claire's house. When she got out of the car, he yelled at her and said he's washed his hands of her. She looked stricken, but accepted this and walked inside. Apparently she then called my mother who was even angrier. All through this, I felt numb about the whole thing. I knew I should have been upset that my parents would interfere with my friendships at the age of 18. I knew I should be mad that Claire made me sit there for an hour. I just didn't *feel* it.

    So now I have no idea how to proceed. Part of me does want to cut myself off from Claire and another part of me can't do that to her. I just don't know.

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