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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

My date with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Matt Damon

December 16, 2001 - 11:49 PM

    Well, life hasn't turned out all that bad. My teacher got my script and it was fine. We didn't get a chance to meet and discuss it together, but hopefully I get credit for doing it. I'm nervous about it, but oh well.

    The weekend was all right. I did some Christmas shopping and saw the movie Ocean's 11. That was... mmmmm. Hot men. Ooh. Me likey. ::settles down:: I mean, it was an intellectually stimulating thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat with its well written dialogue and fun plotline. The hot men were just an added bonus.

    I was a bit pissed off that Lisa wouldn't go see the movie with me. She says she doesn't think George Clooney or Brad Pitt are at all attractive and that Matt Damon is only okay. She is obviously insane. How many stupid Chris Rock movies have I seen for her? She's just selfish. Gah. Anyway, I can't figure out what to get her for Christmas. I'm not feeling especially sentimental towards her and I honestly think it's because she wouldn't see Ocean's 11 with me. I am weird.

    I need to get in touch with Claire some time this week. She's still working out her drug problems, but I feel like I should try to be a positive influence in some way. Maybe I'll get her something for Christmas. That'd be nice.

    I wish someone would send me a million dollars. I'm babysitting tomorrow. I despise babysitting. Despise it. A lot. I could never have my own kids because they make me too tired in too short a period of time. After two hours with a two year old, *I*'m the one that needs the nap.

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