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Road Trip to Omaha

May 16, 2002 - 11:41 PM

    I'm alive. I have survived the road trip. In case you were wondering, we went to Omaha, Nebraska. Sonia went there years ago and remembered it as being very cool. I was very doubtful about the coolness factor in Nebraska. I mean, it's Nebraska. It wasn't that bad though. We could have easily found a small town in Illinois with the same charms. We could have just shopped on Michigan Avenue. Of course, that wouldn't have made a very good road trip.

    I don't know if I have the energy to do a full recount of events. Maybe tomorrow. I will say that I'm very very very tired of hearing about Sonia's boyfriend Psycho. She talked about him non-stop. Ophelia backed her up all the way, insisting that Sonia and Psycho have "good chemistry." I said that I'd sure like to see this good chemistry for myself. From what I've seen, Psycho ignores Sonia most of the time, leaving her angry and insecure. Not to mention that he's abusive! This conversation went round and round. I was very blunt. Frankly, I'm surprised they didn't leave me in Omaha.

    Everything that I learned about Ophelia relates to her being annoying. She's a groupie. That's all she is. She has become Sonia's little defender-fanatic. Here's an example. Sonia says that she enjoys the thrill of stalking her boyfriend by hanging out in front of where he works. (Crazy, I know.) "Brigid, you have to come with me to stalk Psycho," she said. "It's so much fun. It's exciting when the person comes close and you think you're going to get caught." I told her that I don't condone stalking and that I didn't know why she would stalk her own boyfriend in the first place. Sonia got all pouty that I wouldn't stalk her boyfriend with her. She asked Ophelia if she would go with her. "Yes," Ophelia said instantly, like a dutiful groupie. Sonia looked at me and said, "See? That's what friends do. They stick together." I asked what she would do if I suggested that we kill someone or something. "I wouldn't tell the police," Sonia assured me. It freaked me out.

    In the end, I'm glad that I went. I feel better about some things. For starters, thank God that I'm single. I don't want to turn into some annoying boy-obsessed moron. (By the way, they both thought that every male from here to Nebraska was checking them out.) I feel better about myself as an independent thinker. I don't just go with popular opinion. I'm not afraid to say what I think, even if it isn't what the person wants to hear. I feel more mature than my friends. I still want a boyfriend, but I'm not going to throw away my standards. Sonia offered to set me up with Psycho's friend Andy, and I immediately said, "No."

    I'm still my own person. That's a good thing to know.

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