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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

sophisticated, dahling.

February 19th, 2001 - 11:37 PM

    I'll keep this brief. First of all, I hope you enjoy the new layout. There was nothing wrong with the old one really. I just want a more sophisticated and fresh look. Who says sophisticated like Audrey Hepburn? She was a goddess!

    My day was confusing. Perhaps too confusing to share with the internet public. Let's just say that I think I watch The X-Files because I'm so much like Scully. I can be cold. I don't want sympathy. I don't want a hug. Unlike Scully, I'm probably clinically depressed. Today I sought some more help. I suppose it's silly to dramatize a prescription for anti-depressants when so many people are on them. Anyway, I'm not about to go into great detail.

    Also, I saw Hannibal this afternoon with my sister. She found it very funny and I actually laughed too. I don't think it was supposed to be a comedy exactly, but the big mystery ending is so so so hilarious. Really.

    I also had this unplanned big heart to heart with my dad. I just tried to be patient and listen to him, but it was exasperating. I know I'm a bitch, but I just did not want to talk about my problems or his problems or anyone's problems. I faked it well. I think. God. I don't know what the hell is the matter with me. I think that if you see Good and Evil as Light and Darkness... then I'm somewhere in the gray between the two. I can go either way. How scary is that? Not to know what side you're on... Now I really sound nuts.

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