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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

I'm not picayune !

June 4th, 2001 - 1:08 PM

    This was in my word-a-day mail:

    picayune (pik-uh-YOON) adjective

    1. Of little value or significance.

    2. Petty, small-minded.

    I don't want to be picayune. I want to be valuable, significant, and large-minded.

    Anyway, it's Monday. The weekend hath ended. I only work four out of five days a week, so I took today off. I will no doubt regret this on another day this week. I slept in until around noon. Now I'm here. My plans for the day are to do some cleaning, followed by some air hockey at the mall. Maybe even a little tennis. It looks fairly sunny out, but that could be deceiving. It's been cold as hell around here for over a week.

    Yesterday was odd. My family went on a mini-trip to Hicksville, Illinois. For one thing, these people were Jesus freaks. I could just tell I was in Christian Country. (I'm Catholic-Christian, by the way.) There was even a Bible camp. I shiver at the thought of attending one of these, but laugh at the idea of writing random things like "I love Satan" and "There is no God" on the craft tables...

    Anyway, we were there to attend the Graduation party of Amy, a girl we fostered about five years ago. She has a permanent foster family now and is apparently doing very well. I couldn't tell, to tell you the truth. She seemed happy. She had a boyfriend with a horrible goatee, but he seemed all right. Her musical tastes have changed from Marilyn Manson and the Smashing Pumpkins to Destiny's Child and Three Doors Down. I didn't say much to Amy. We consequently didn't stay very long. We made the two-hour journey home, stopping only to eat at Bennigan's.

    I've been watching Clerks non-stop for days. "Man goes into cage. Cage goes into salsa. Shark's in the salsa. Our shark." :) I love Randal's salsa shark. I'm so much like Dante, but I love Randal. Same with the movie Say Anything. I love Lloyd, but I'm more like Diane. It's strange.

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