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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

The Pre-Show

March 23, 2003 - 4:01 PM

    My family is gone for the day. One sister has musical rehearsal until tonight. My parents and youngest sister are at a birthday party. I'm here watching E! Entertainment Television. It was quite exciting a few minute ago. There are Bush supporters about a block from the Kodak Theatre, who are pro-America, pro-Iraqi freedom, pro-Bush, and very supportive of our troops. I thought, How lovely. Truly. There are so many protests shown on TV, even though the majority of Americans agree with this war. It's nice to see people who show love for the country and our president, especially in Los Angeles of all places.

    Speaking of which, I have not written an entry since the war began. I was so disappointed, though not surprised, that Saddam Hussein did not leave Iraq in the alloted forty-eight hours. I did not want our soldiers to have to fight. Unfortunately, Saddam left us no choice. I am personally looking forward to the end of the war and to the freedom of the Iraqi people. Saddam Hussein is an absolutely horrible man. I've been debating this fact with people. They're anti-war, but they don't have a peaceful way to get Saddam Hussein out of power. I hope that this war is quick and effective, but I think it needs to happen (and it is).

    Meanwhile, I'm still watching E! and some guy is saying that Oscar nominees who don't win get a $45,000 gift bag. Dear God. Many people don't make that much money in a year. I adore movies and actors, but actors are grossly overpaid. It's pretty sickening really.

    I should probably go do some more laundry and perhaps eat a very late lunch. I still have things to say about the weekend, but they'll have to wait.

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