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The Real World

April 09, 2002 - 9:50 PM

    I'm pretty sure my dad's going to come in here any minute and make me surrender the computer. Oh well. I don't have much to say anyway. I was just watching The Real World, and it made me wish I could give those people some psychiatric advice. It's obvious that Cara never got the love she wanted from her father and is now desperately trying to make up for it through romantic endeavors. Tonight she cried because she's gained seven pounds. She's still a size zero, but she's all sensitive about it. She had to go around getting confirmation that she's thin. In other words, the girl is utterly insecure. They revealed that she takes anti-depressants, which pissed me off because it gives depressed people a bad name. (My sister thought this was very funny when I said it, but I wasn't entirely kidding.)

    Sometimes I wonder what I would do on The Real World. I think I would do my best to give them good soundbytes in the confession room. The previews could show me saying something like, "Cara is a psychotic bitch, Tonya is a moron, Aneesa needs to get dressed, and Kyle better damn well hurry up and leave his girlfriend!" People would appreciate my honesty, and MTV could pull in viewers by making it look like a cat fight would surely ensue next week. I would probably be pegged by the other people as the *nice* girl. Then I would talk about them to the cameras. It'd be pretty funny stuff, although I hate when people backstab one another. Oh well. I would never go on The Real World. I wouldn't want my family to see it.

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