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Religious Education

January 28, 2002 - 11:47 PM

    I hate school. Hateithateithateit.

    My Religion & Literature teacher is an evil man. An evil priest, in fact. He's the kind of teacher who belongs in a grade school where he can put the Fear of God into the children, as well as the fear of him and perhaps a fear of going to school. He asks rhetorical questions all the time, except that he expects a response. The killer is that people are often wrong. Here's an excerpt from today's class:

    Teacher: In the Gospel, who says "I am the Way, I am the Truth"?

    Student: It sounds an awful lot like God.

    Teacher: Yes, it does. You're close. Who says it?

    Student: God.

    Teacher: Who says "I am the Way"?

    Student: God.

    Teacher: Close. Who is it?

    Student: God.

    Teacher: You're not going to let go of that answer, are you? It's JESUS. Jesus says "I am the Way." Here's a hint: It's in the GOSPEL.

    The class drives me nuts. The teacher is very condescending, but the students are very dumb. It's a lose-lose situation.

    And in family matters, everyone has calmed down. Well, as far as I can tell. My parents were yelling a bit earlier tonight. I kind of ignore them. That's probably not the best thing to do, but what else can I do? They're adults. Let them yell.

    I'm kind of miserable. I have headaches and a million things to do for school. It's frustrating.

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