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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Report Writing

December 12, 2003 - 12:20 PM

    I need caffeine so badly right now. I slept very little last night because I was trying to type out a report for Irish Literature. I wanted at least ten pages. I pretty much have eight and a half. When I went to meet with the teacher, he wasn't in his office. Huh. I left a voicemail, but that's sort of disheartening. I'd like some kind of feedback, even if it's just, "Hey. Add a page."

    Meanwhile, I'm trying to finish a different report for Learning Theories & Applications. All this blah blah blahing is making me sleepy. Thank God this is the last day of school. I so need a break.


    God. I hate my brain. It'll kick in and stop. Kick in and stop. I just want to be finished!

    I'm just glad to be done with my job. At least there's that.

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