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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Don't see Moulin Rouge. EVER.

June 10th, 2001 - 12:16 AM

    The window's open. I can hear someone outside. There was a squeaking noise. The odd thing about me is that I'll hear things like that and immediately dismiss them. I'm like a girl in a horror movie who's like "What was that? Probably nothing." And then she gets killed. So if I stop posting, that's what happened.

    Tonight I went to Barnes & Noble to hear my adorable teacher play music. He is so cute. Too bad he's in his late thirties, married, and has a daughter. That reminds me; I found the Esquire with Jon Stewart on the cover. I must plead with all of you to go buy it and read the interview. It's hilarious. It reaffirmed (although unnecessarily) my love for Jon.

    I tried to behave for my friends. Sometimes I get a little carried away. Like Friday night. That got ugly. Claire called me and wanted to celebrate her new job. Then she found out that Leigh, Ophelia, and Tess were seeing Moulin Rouge. So Claire, Lisa, and myself joined them. Harmless enough. Nicole Kidman plays sex kitten who falls in love with Ewan McGregor. Ewan's pretty cute. What could go wrong?

    Everything. Everything could go wrong. That was the most horrible movie ever made. It's attempts at humor (including SOUND EFFECTS) were dismally wretched. It's attempts at romance were a failure of Titanic proportions. I don't think the damn thing even attempted an original plot. Plus there was the singing! Oh Lord, the singing! Why?!?

    Claire and I seriously considered leaving, but our friends actually liked the Hollywoodized piece of crap. Tess was getting pretty pissed off at me. Claire and I had a running commentary through the whole film so that we wouldn't go insane. Unfortunately that didn't work.

    Upon the end of the film, I ran to the ticket booth and began telling everyone in line not to see Moulin Rouge. I instructed the ticket sellers not to give anyone a ticket for the film. I was panicked, trying desperately to save any unfortuante souls from the Hell known as Moulin Rouge.

    I've calmed down since then. I'm all right again. Scarred for life, of course, but all right. And everyone keeps telling me how great it was, as if the whole world is against me. I have come up with a new tagline for the film though:

    "It's like the most beautiful diamond in the world... around the neck of a naked Joan Rivers."

    That pretty much sums it up. Dreadful film. Anyway, Kevin was at B&N too. :) I am oddly attracted to him for unknown reasons. I'm always a huge ice queen though. I made no effort to say hello, look his way, or do anything that might send him the message that I even notice he's there. That's probably a bad technique, but it doesn't matter because I doubt he even notices that I'm not noticing him. Of course, I wouldn't know because he barely registers on my radar. ;)

    I did minorly speak to him afterwards though! When my teacher got done playing a lot of us left. I was driving home and I stopped at a red light. He pulled up next to me with two of his friends and he called my name. I turned, and he was smiling and asked me what was up. I gave him a quick smile and a "Hi! Nothing much." Maybe Ice Queen works for him... Plus I managed to look pretty good tonight. Halter top. Very short jean shorts. Glitter eyeshadow. (It's all about glitter eyeshadow.) I mean, I had to look good to seduce my teacher. Haha.

    No really.

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