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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

God save the Queen.

November 3rd, 2000 - 11:31 PM

    Tonight Ophelia and I went to see The Blair Witch 2: Book Of Shadows. If you haven't seen this film yet, I suggest not doing so. It's not worth it. Also, it caused me to feel anxious. I tried to explain it to my dad when I got home and I realized that I could pinpoint the center of the anxiety. It was behind me and to the right. It was very negative energy. I'm a Catholic, but I still belive in things like energy fields, karma, spirits, fate, etc. I think that there was some sort of otherworldly presense sitting behind me and it was very creepy. (Oh sure! Laugh at me! I know what you're thinking!)

    After the movie, Ophelia and I went to dinner. We talked and I rambled about my impressions of people from the past and my current impressions. I talked about how I had played soccer with Leigh and known her well, but how I can't recall what I knew about her. It's surreal. I know Leigh now and I knew Leigh then... but I don't *really* remember. Anyway, Ophelia and I began analyzing ourselves and our friends. I did most of the analysis. Ophelia is an excellent listener. I tried to figure out what she thinks about me, but I never quite got a clear picture. I like to know what people think of me. She told me that she had recently seen a personality quiz that had an option that sounded like me. Maybe she'll tell me later. I'd like to know.

    Earlier in the day, I realized something else. Lisa and I are so similar on the weirdest subjects. We love Jewish culture. We both want to be bi-coastal between NYC and LA. We think asian people are the most adorable people. We love Seinfeld. She's the one I can make sarcastic comments to in class and vice versa. We definitely compliment each other. I realize, dear imaginary reader, that I may have painted Lisa as less than a good friend in the past. It's true. Sometimes she's not. Other times, she's the only friend that I see myself still talking to in twenty years.

    Last, but not least, I have a sudden interest in The Sex Pistols. I think it's a simple love of saying Sex Pistols. Say it. It's just good fun. God save the Queen!

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