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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Acting Rejection = True Love? Maybe.

February 21, 2002 - 11:54 PM

    Well, I didn't make the play. I'm also surprisingly apathetic. I didn't really expect to be cast. I didn't even have my heart in it. My biggest disappointment was that Maggie didn't get a part. She was in Dancing At Lughnasa with me, and she had a fabulous audition last night. I suppose it's because she's pregnant, even though she's not showing. I looked at the cast list and was shocked by the absence of her name. A few minutes later, I hoped no one noticed because I'd hate them to think my shock was about me. I mean, I got more emotional watching the last five minutes of figure skating tonight than I did in the five minutes it took to walk back and forth from my car to the theatre.

    I think this means I'm going to find a job. As I said, the local video store is hiring. That wouldn't be so bad. I'd hang out and get free video rentals. Perhaps some cute boys would come in. Ooh! Perhaps a very hot boy would rent one of my favorite movies and I'd tell him, and we'd immediately fall in love!

    I have to get back to my "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" analysis. I'm perfecting it. Well, actually, I'm a little too lazy for perfection...

    Oh well. Screw it.

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