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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

My stoopid friends.

May 03, 2002 - 1:40 AM

    I don't think I can handle being a clinical psychologist. Listening to (allegedly) sane people is already too much. Why are people so ridiculously stupid? Why? Whyyyyy?

    Okay. My friend Ophelia is very shy and reserved. She didn't date in high school. Then, this year in college, she started dating a guy she's been friends with for years. Everything was going just fine (or at least as fine as it could possibly be) until Ophelia went out with Sonia last weekend. You know. The time when Sonia's boyfriend and his friend left them both bruised and battered? Well, guess what? Ophelia has fallen in love with the Psycho's Accomplice! She dumped the nice boy to go out with a guy who left her battered on the second day he met her.

    ::repeatedly hits head on wall in frustration::

    Why? Because she "never felt butterflies" with the nice boy. Accomplice, in mid-assault, tried to kiss her, but she pulled away and said she had a boyfriend. Yet somehow his non-kiss gave her butterflies. Oh. my. God.

    Girls: Do not date guys who hit you or have very long police records from their miscellanious violent crimes. Just don't. It won't end well.

    I think I may have talked Sonia into dumping Psycho though. She says she wants to save Ophelia because she "doesn't want that for her." Of course, my reply was:

    "But you want it for *you*?"

    Well, no. Maybe. No. Yes. No.

    GAH. I can't deal with these people. I always tell them how I feel in the most logical way I can manage. They don't listen.

    Of course, part of me is still wondering how Ophelia has two guys who both want to date her. She has no personality worth mentioning. She's not especially beautiful. She's just... there. It isn't fair. Life just isn't fair.

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