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The Surprising Crybaby

January 04, 2002 - 11:48 PM

    I finally got to see The Royal Tenenbaums. I kept waiting for it to arrive at the local theater. It made me cry several times: the kind of tears that trickle down your face in a never ending little line. I tried my best to wipe them away, but they just kept coming down. I don't like crying in public, but it's happened more than once. It's worse when I'm not even in a movie theater. I remember one time where I cried through a family brunch at the IHOP. I'm surprisingly emotional. When I'm with my friends, I'm often going for "serious, aloof, and cynical." Most people would call my sense of humor very dry. It's funny because I used to be pretty silly. At any rate, I'm not someone who looks like they cry all the time.

    In my last entry I said how much I hate the phone. It got worse last night when I ended up talking to Josie for what felt like an eternity. It was horrible. I don't know what my problem is exactly. At first it was okay. She confided in me that she uses drugs and had to move here because she no longer had anywhere to live in Michigan. I had already guessed as much. I let her spill her guts out, only adding an occasional "Mmhmm." (I'm going to make a fabulous psychologist.) Then, after a while, the conversation became dreadful to the point that she was playing AOL sounds for me on her computer. "You've got mail. You've got pictures. Welcome. Goodbye." I wanted to die.

    Last night was good. I talked to Alex on-line for almost two hours. He told me I'm funny and should think about becoming a comedian. He also said I'm a good listener, focused, too good for the college we go to, and that I have a lot going for me. This *should* make me think he likes me, but I'm still insecure. I'm so irrational.

    God, my rib hurts. If I don't write anything for a while, it's because I'm in the hospital. Gah. My youngest sister, who is very strong, wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. I seriously think she bruised my rib. It was bad. I ended up kicking her in the chest, but she only laughed hysterically. She's a weird kid.

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