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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Thank God!

March 30th, 2001 - 12:05 AM

    The musical is opening tonight. Thank God.

    I stayed home from school today (yesterday by five minutes) and slept for FOURTEEN solid hours. Wow. Then I went to our very last musical rehearsal. I'll never rehearse again! Yay! It's been so difficult to keep a straight face through everyone's pathetic conversations. I don't mean to be so terrible about it. It's true though. This is the only cast I've ever been in where someone's bitch slapped another cast member or made someone cry or something stupid like that. It's awful. Plus there's the conversations I must sit through:

    GIRL ONE: Hey bitch.

    GIRL TWO: What's up, bitch?

    GIRL ONE: You're the only one I can joke like that with. Everyone else takes it so seriously.

    GIRL TWO: Yeah. But you wouldn't do that all the time, would you?

    GIRL ONE: No.

    GIRL TWO: Then why did you just say you would?

    GIRL ONE: I didn't.

    GIRL TWO: Well, let's just say that I had friends that talked to me like that and thought they could get away with it and they're not my friends anymore.

    That was the deepest conversaton I ever heard these girls say. Then there's always:

    GIRL: I hate this [nun] costume! Would you wear this?

    ME: If I were playing a nun, yes I would.

    GIRL: I hate it!

    ME: You'll feel better on stage.

    GIRL: Oh my God. I don't want anyone I know to SEE me!

    I just have to wonder what she think she's doing on the stage. Did she not realize that there would be an audience and that people might see her? At least she didn't interrogate me like another girl:

    ANOTHER GIRL: Soooo, how come you never call me on weekends?

    ME: Huh?

    ANOTHER GIRL: Is it because you're too busy hanging out with Claire and them?

    ME: I don't know.

    ANOTHER GIRL: I just thought you didn't like me.

    ME: Why would you think that?

    ANOTHER GIRL: Because you never called me.

    ME: You didn't call me either.

    ANOTHER GIRL: I didn't have your number.

    ME: Umm... well, I'll remember to call some time.

    I will never call her.

    Anyway, ANOTHER GIRL is the one who was bitch slapped. She told the star of the musical that she was off key.

    This has been somewhat difficult because Lisa is a pretty big part of the musical. She thinks it's great. Just yesterday she said "It'd be pretty hard to screw up this musical because it's so great!!!" I wanted to say "Congratulations, somehow you guys have done it!" That seemed in poor taste.

    God. I want this to be over. Not just this, but also high school in general. For the love of God, let it END. I can't take people's stupidity. I just want to block them all out. I know I'm not a genius or anything. I know there are probably some of you out there who think I have no room to talk. It doesn't matter. You don't *know* these people. It would drive you crazy too. Trust me.

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