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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

I'm foolish 365 days a year.

April 01, 2002 - 8:58 PM

    The most incredible thing in the entire universe transpired this afternoon. Rolling Stone called me! They want to do a feature story on my band. We've grown such a following in the Midwest, and one of the publishers has a daughter who saw one of our shows last month. She told him all about it, and now someone's coming out next week to talk to us. I am in a complete state of shock. I can't wrap my mind around this. Who would have thought that Rolling Stone would ever be interested in a little band like Get Off My Lawn? It's insane. I've called everyone I know.

    April Fools. I'm not even in a band.

    Uh, anyway, my real life had been fairly dull. I went to my Grandma's house yesterday for Easter. It's always very awkward and sad to visit her. She's nearly deaf and shows symptoms of Alzheimer's. She's very small and frail, and no one seems to know what to actually *do* while we visit her. The entire family sat there, numbly watching The Food Network. It's not much of a visit really, although we did bring her pie. She seems to enjoy having us there despite the lack of real interaction.

    I think I might redesign this diary. I love it, but I think I need a change. I still want an Audrey Hepburn theme though. She was such a beautiful person. I've been going through pictures of her, trying to find one that fits. These two are front runners:

    Any opinions on the matter? Should I leave my page alone? You can always sign the guestbook. It's so lonely.

    Here's some test results:


    You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

    Find out your color at Stvlive.com!

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