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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

everything will be just fine

January 20, 2002 - 10:13 PM

    There isn't anything interesting happening to me right now. I'm itching to start writing a novel of some sort, but I have writer's block. I just watched the Golden Globe awards. I'm pretty good at guessing the winners, but I was still surprised by a few. (Who would have guessed that Six Feet Under would win Best Drama?)

    I have adopted the Jimmy Eat World song "The Middle" as my new theme song:

    don't write yourself off yet
    it's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on
    just try your best
    try everything you can
    and don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away

    you know they're all the same
    you know you're doing better on your own so don't buy in
    live right now
    just be yourself
    it doesn't matter if that's good enough for someone else

    it just takes some time
    little girl, you're in the middle of the ride
    everything everything will be just fine
    everything everything will be all right

    do your best
    do everything you can
    don't you worry what their bitter hearts are going to say

    There are certain songs that I believe are speaking directly to me. This is one such song. Jimmy Eat World is like an imaginary older brother, playfully punching me in the arm, and saying, "Buck up, little buckaroo." Hearing the song makes me feel better.

    By the way, inspiration hit me yesterday. I was all freaked out because I'm not Alex's type. Then I realized that Alex could easily say the same thing about me. I love Jon Stewart: a thirty-nine year old Jewish man in New York. Alex is eighteen (nineteen?), Asian, and lives in the Chicago suburbs. He doesn't look anything like Jon, or Rivers Cuomo, or Jason Lee, or Matt Damon, or Ben Affleck... or any of the men on my list! The truth is that people have fantasies and "types" but it can all change when the right person comes around. So maybe I was (gasp!) overreacting.

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