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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com


July 30, 2002 - 1:50 AM

    Suddenly, I've lost the urge to write anything. I guess I'll force myself. Today--as in Monday--was mainly spent at work. I was warned that the boss has started watching the security videos so I should be careful what I do. I decided that I would try to make the most boring video ever so that my boss would rethink his strategy. I got out a book and sat perfectly still for long periods of time between customers. I imagine him sitting at home, watching an hour of me sitting with a book, just waiting for me to screw something up. "He apparently has nothing better to do," my fellow employee lamented.

    I worked Sunday morning as well, but was home in plenty of time for Sex and the City! It was so much better this week than last week. I was quite thrilled. I love that show.

    Saturday was the Warped Tour. I was so excited. I went with my sister since Khara's in Florida. I wanted to see New Found Glory so very badly. I'd only seen them once before. They were awesome, I might add. I'm thankful that I got to see them at all, seeing as though I nearly fainted an hour before their show. Something Corporate had just finished playing, and I was feeling a little sick. The next thing I knew my vision was fading, and I heard my sister ask if I was okay. I recall saying, "No." I felt myself start to fall, but she grabbed my arm. I blacked out a bit, but quickly regained my senses. I was very sad that I was missing MxPx, but when I told my sister that she looked at me as if I'd told her I had married Michael Jackson last week at his Neverland ranch.

    I think I was just a bit overheated. Even so, I've been diligently going to concerts for years with no sign of fainting. This was entirely unexpected. We left a little early because of it, and I was sorry that we didn't get to see NOFX. There were tons of great performances though. The Starting Line is such an adorable band. They were so youthful and fresh. Allister did an awesome performance of their Fraggle Rock cover. The Riddlin Kids had lots of energy. It was a good day, aside from the minor incident.

    Oh, and I got my computer back. No more library. Yay.

    take the "what's my fault" quiz.

    (and then browse around mewing.net. because laura is cool.)

    what's your battle cry? |

    mewing.net | merchandise!

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