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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

pathetically tipsy off of one drink... or am i?

June 18, 2002 - 11:06 PM

    I should never drink under any circumstances. I'm too much of a lightweight. Example: I sat down earlier with a bottle of Hooch to watch The Real World on MTV. Sometimes one needs alcohol to fully appreciate the show. Anyway, I was thinking, "God. This doesn't even give me a buzz." Only my imagination kind of ran away with me because now I'm feeling it. I'm exhausted and psychosomatically drunk.

    This wouldn't be so bad except that I just made a typical drunken mistake: revealing things you never meant to. On Saturday, I was over at my cousin Petunia's house for a party her mother was throwing. She started telling me how my younger sister, who I am very close to, can be quite mean. The trouble was that I understood where she was coming from. I kept the information to myself because I know how little things like this can really nag at you. Except I randomly *told* my sister about it ten minutes ago. Coincidentally, that was when I decided I'd become tipsy.

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