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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

I'm booked, and my friends are still stupid.

June 06, 2002 - 12:41 AM

    I hate it when I find myself consumed with too many things to do. It's even worse when none of said things are any fun. I babysat all Wednesday night. I'm babysitting all Thursday afternoon after my 9:15 AM appointment with an allergist. Exciting. Friday I'm--you guessed it--babysitting at 8:00 AM until 5:15 PM. At 5:30 I will report to the video store for work until 9:00. At that point, I'll probably be completely insane and not in control of my actions.

    I got an e-mail from Ophelia today. I haven't talked to her since our trip to Omaha. I sent her an e-mail yesterday for unknown reasons. I had been talking on the phone with Tess and I told her how I was getting pretty irritated with Ophelia's behavior. So the next logical move was to e-mail Ophelia and start up a conversation. Don't ask me what possessed me to do it. I don't know. Her e-mail was as nauseating as I'd imagined it would be. Her signature is what killed me:

    Dennyzen (n) - One who spends way too much time at Denny's, drinking more than a dollar's worth of coffee, conducts his or herself in manner unacceptable in the real world and leaves a sorry excuse for a tip.

    Denny's is where Psycho likes to hang out. It's where he wanted to go on the first night I met him. (We ended up going to Steak N Shake, which is *my* favorite place to go.) Anyway, Ophelia is campaigning for Psycho at every available opportunity. She keeps insisting that he and Sonia make a "cute couple." She defends the dumping of her old boyfriend to go out with Psycho's friend Accomplice. They've formed this bizarre couple alliance. This, in and of itself, is annoying enough. What makes it infuriating is that Psycho is abusive. He. Hurts. Sonia. What kind of screwed up friend would purposefully try to talk Sonia into staying in a relationship like that? For every time I say, "Dump him," Ophelia is there with a "Marry him." I want to strangle her sometimes for being so incredibly stupid.

    Even so, I feel compelled to help these people. They've been my friends for years. I can't just abandon them. Well, okay, maybe I could. But it wouldn't be right. I just have to tough it out through the Incredibly Bad Relationship period and then try really hard not to say "I told you so" when the inevitable breakup occurs.

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