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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Instant karma's going to get you.

July 24, 2003 - 12:17 AM

    I was really on a journal kick, and then I just stopped. Sorry about that. In my defense, I wanted to. It was simply impossible for me to do so. I can't go into further detail, but let's just say that there's a good chance I'm secretly working for the CIA.

    Last week I was trying to figure out how to quit my job. My hair dresser said that I should keep saying, "Thank you for this opportunity." I considered this, but kept chickening out. I was trying to do the same thing on Thursday, but fate intervened. I hate fate. I got outside and realized I'd forgotten my keys. Except that the keys weren't in the store either. My boss and I searched for them for a while, but they were just gone. I decided that I had bad karma, and that my keys would most definitely reappear when I told my boss about my new job. Even so, I stalled for half an hour.

    "There's something I want to tell you," I said soberly. "I've been wanting to say this for a couple days, but I was nervous..."

    I think he thought I was about to announce a fatal illness or something.

    "I've gotten another job offer. It's better for school because I'll be done at 6:00. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I really appreciate it."

    ...and so on. I never mentioned that I'll be getting paid more. A few days ago American Eagle finally called, and I had to turn down their job offer. They were probably floored. At the interview, I prattled on about how it was the best store in the world and the atmosphere was wonderful, etc. They interviewed forty or fifty people, and they only needed... ten? Something like that. The manager went to my college though, so she kinda-sorta knew me.

    Anyway, I quit my job. It didn't bring my keys back though. Stupid karma and its mind games. I felt a little better about myself, which is something.

    On Friday night, Tess and I saw Chicago. It was my 4th time. Saturday night I saw How To Deal with Ophelia and Buffy. Monday night I saw Chicago for the 5th time. It's sort of sad, but I couldn't love that movie any more. This reminds me. I need to think of another activity. Going to the movies isn't the only thing in the world.

    On that note, I've realized that I've been avoiding all but about three of my friends (Tess, Ophelia, and Buffy). Why am I doing this? I don't know. Lisa and I were getting along so well on her birthday. Then she called me with news of our teacher's death, and something shifted. I talked to her on the phone the next day, and she was eager to be comforting and supportive. I talked to her again on the day of the wake. She wanted to know if I needed someone to go with, but I was already going with Tess and Ophelia. The next and last time I saw Lisa, we were standing outside the church after the funeral. I said hello, but she didn't seem to here me. Tess's sister was leading her off somewhere. I haven't tried to contact her since then. I should.

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