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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Sameness... and how I hate it.

December 30, 2002 - 11:54 PM

    My web page has been so badly negelected. If anyone has an idea for a faux interview or wants to write one, e-mail me about it. My muse went to the grocery store for cigarettes about six months ago, and I'm starting to think she's not coming back.

    I am about to be faced with yet another new year. This is one of the most horrible celebrations of the year. Everyone is so full of hope and expectation, but it's all a waste of time. Nothing ever changes for me. I mean, look at last year! I am pretty much in the same boat as I was on December 31st, 2001. I want change, dammit. I still have about twenty-four hours to find a place to be as the new year rings in. So far, all I know is that I'm working from two to five tomorrow afternoon. Lisa's friend is having a party, but I don't really like to tag along. I should probably call Tess, but, bless her heart, she's not fun in a New Year's Eve way. I'm sure Claire has some big party she's going to, but Claire has a little too much fun. I need to find someone who I am completely in synch with so that we can always figure something out. And, though I loathe to admit it, I still want a stupid boyfriend.

    You know you're cracking up when you find yourself wishing for co-dependency. I am so totally fine being single, and I think a guy would probably just screw up my life. Why would I want that? Why? My GPA is at about a 3.9, I'm about to start doing another play, I have a job, and this is the twenty-first century. I have no time (or need) for a boyfriend. I don't even have a logical explanation for my feelings. All I know is that I'm single, have always been single, and am tired of being single.

    Meanwhile, Khara, if you're reading this, I'm sorry about Saturday. We were supposed to go to lunch, but my mom was freaking out about our house. Again. My sister wanted to have some friends over, and my mom was in nervous breakdown mode. I tried to call, but there was no answer. Then I had to work at 4:00. I had to work at 10:00 Sunday morning too. Stupid job.

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