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Passionate About Sandwiches

January 12, 2003 - 11:36 PM

    Um, I may have overreacted just a teeny tiny bit to the Terri situation. It's not that Terri isn't an evil bitch because she is, but it turns out she doesn't make more money than I do. I worked with her last night, and she confessed that she decided not to ask them for a raise. I don't think she would lie about it. She'd be overjoyed to tell me how she makes more money. I'm relieved because now I don't have to go ask for a raise, which I would've done purely on principle.

    I had a near run-in with the law Friday night. I closed the store at 10:15 and went home. I watched some TV for a while before realizing, "Hey. I'm really hungry!" I then realized that I a.) never ate the Subway sandwich I bought and b.) left said sandwich in the refrigerator at work. I mourned the loss of a perfectly good sandwich, but then my dad had a remarkable idea. Why not go back to the store and get the sandwich? I was a little nervous about it, but finally I agreed. So I went to the store, unset the alarm, grabbed the sandwich, reset the alarm, and was out of there in two minutes. I went home, thinking how stupid I was not to go get the sandwich sooner. As I would discover later, I was right to question my dad's idea. Apparently the cops showed up, fully expecting a burglar. The owners were called out, and they had no idea what happened. Meanwhile, I was enjoying my delicious Subway sandwich in ignorance.

    When I showed up for work the next day, I got the phone call from Darren. He's a very angry, gruff person in general, and I try not to invoke his anger. He was surprisingly calm, although I could tell he could blow up at any second. When I told him the sandwich story, he was simply amused. I guess he figured that no one would make up a story like that. It's too stupid. I told him that I was very sorry, trying hard to sound sincere and maybe a tad pitiful. I was sorry, but I wasn't about to get all worked up about it. Hell, he could have fired me right there and I'd have thought, "Cool. Now I can go out instead of working here on a Saturday night."

    I also worked this morning, and I had a few people comment on how I never leave the place. That always makes me feel freakish and pathetic like I have nothing better to do with my life. Speaking of which, I got another lecture from my mother about the worthlessness of a bachelor's degree in Psychology. At first she wanted me to be a teacher while I do my graduate work. Now I think she wants me to be a social worker. The whole thing gives me a headache.

    God. School starts tomorrow. This week is going to suck. I don't want to go to school. I really don't.

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