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current mood: The current mood of lostintranslation at www.imood.com

Girl Stuff: Don't Read If You Don't Like That Kind of Thing

August 06, 2003 - 11:59 AM

    I am extremely unlucky (read: forgetful and stupid). I woke up this morning, got ready for work, and felt all right in general. My mom reminded me that I wasn't going to have to be in the office from nine to five on a regular day. I'd be there for a few hours after school. This made me feel a little bit better, and I swore I would try to keep a positive attitude.

    After about an hour of being positive, I started to feel sick. I wasn't ready to die or anything, but I felt dizzy and nauseated. Then it hit me, and I thought, Hey! Remember the 4th of July, which was one month ago, when you got your period? I immediately knew that this was my problem today: the day I was completely unprepared, in an office full of women I don't know, while wearing light-colored khaki pants. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

    I pretended to have contracted a mysterious illness. They told me to go home and not worry about it. That was a relief, but at the same time I lost out on good money. Plus I was having a positive attitude! I was good! It just goes to show that the Universe is against me.

    1 people have commented

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